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Tomasetto AT09 ARTIC 240HP Autogas Reducer

Tomasetto AT09 ARTIC 240HP Autogas Reducer

263,84 zł
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Reducer Tomasetto ARTIC

The model AT09 Artic version LPG reducer is a single stage reducer for LPG sequential injection systems, homologated ECE 67R-01.

Equipped with filter unit and inlet solenoid valve, compared to basic version it has also an additional pre-heating of the liquid lpg at the inlet, that allows higher gas flow and higher gas temperature at the exit.

Artic version is suitable for engines with power from 120 HP to 147 HP and with temperature not lower than -25 °C. With lower temperatures the reducer could not be sufficient to follow the maximum power requirement from the engine.

The pressure at the outlet is adjustable from 0,9 to 1,8 bar (pressures referred to reducer not connected to the engine). It is advised to use multivalve AT02 extra together with the Artic reducer. 

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