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REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port
REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port
REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port
REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port
REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port
REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port

REGO RG000090AG Cryogenic Regulator 1/4” F.NPT Pre-Set to 90 PSIG with T Handle and Gauge Port

14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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RG series cryogenic regulators are primarily designed to maintain pressure on cryogenic liquid within cryogenic containers. They may also be used in cryogenic lines, vaporizer and converter applications. They are especially useful in installations where space and cost limitations are important.


  • All parts are copper alloy (brass), PTFE and stainless steel— materials selected specifically for compatibility with cryogenic temperatures down to -320°F. (-196º C )
  • PTFE seat helps assure a positive shut-off at cryogenic temperatures down to -320°F. (-196º C )
  • High and low pressure regulators are the same compact size— designed to fit in close quarters.
  • Interchangeable with existing cryogenic regulator units.
  • Inlet filter helps prevent foreign material from entering the regulator.
  • Locknut is provided to maintain adjusting screw setting.
  • RG125C and RG175C Series available with flat inlet screen.
  • RG000090AG is available with T handle adjustment screw and gauge ports.
  • Maximum inlet pressure of 550 psig. (37.9 barg) 
  • Cleaned for oxygen service per CGA G-4.1 
  • 100% Factory Tested


  • Body Brass
  • Bonnet Brass
  • Seat PCTFE
  • Diaphragm Gasket PTFE
  • Backcap Gasket Copper
  • Springs Stainless Steel
  • Diaphragm Bronze
Diagram Cryogenic Pressure Builder RG Series
rego 10 years warranty RG Series

RG Series

RGXXXAG with gauge port & T handleRGXXXAG with gauge port & T handle

Ordering Information

Part NumberInlet / Outlet Connections (F.NPT) AWidth BCDOperating Range (psig)
RG022A ¼” 2 1/16” 3” 1” 0-30 psig (0-2.1 barg)
RG125A 25-250 psig (1.7-17.2 barg)
RG125C3 ⅜” 2 1/8” 3.33” 0.80”
RG300A ¼” 2 1/16” 3” 1” 125-350 psig (17.2-24.2 barg)
RG000090AG 25-250 psig (1.7-17.2 barg)
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